List of phrasal verbs with up
List of phrasal verbs with up

‘The poor dog had to be put down because it couldn’t walk anymore.’ You can do this job standing on your head!’ī) Kill an animal or pet because it is old or ill ‘I wish you’d stop putting yourself down. ‘As a child, Jennifer never liked her aunt because she always put her down.’ Another example of this is ‘put down’, which can mean the same as ‘take down’ and ‘write down’ (record in writing). For example, ‘put by’, ‘put away’ and ‘put aside’ can all be used to describe the process of saving money to spend later. ‘I try to put a fiver (£5) by each week to give to charity.’ In English, there are often several ways of saying the same thing. ‘The economic crisis in Europe has put back production in several key industries.’ ‘When do we put the clocks back? I know it’s sometime in October.’ ‘When I finished reading, I put the book back (in the drawer).’Ĭ) Change a clock/watch to an earlier time ‘Tell John that the meeting has been put back until next week.’ī) Return something to its original location ‘Ronaldo skinned the keeper and put it away in the 91 st minute! What a goal!’Ī) Postpone, delay, schedule for a later date ‘I went to the pub with Emily last night. ‘You should consider putting some money away for your grandchildren each month.’ĭ) Consume food or drink quickly or in large quantities (informal) ‘That woman’s crazy! They should put her away.’ ‘If you commit a serious crime and get caught, you could be put away for life!’ ‘Tell the kids to put their toys away before bedtime!’ ‘Arthur put away his car keys and his wallet.’ ‘Jim has put his problems aside and is now getting on with his life.’ ‘Mike and his girlfriend were able to put aside their differences because they loved each other.’ ‘Hardworking parents still need to put time aside for their children.’ī) Not allow yourself to be negatively affected by something, ignore temporarily ‘You really should put some money aside for your retirement!’ ‘I always put aside my best suit for special occasions.’ ‘When David spoke in front of the class, he put himself across really well.’ ‘I thought Emily put her views on politics across really well during the discussion.’ī) Speak and express yourself clearly, make a positive impression * QUIZ: Test your knowledge of phrasal verbs with ‘put’! 21 phrasal verbs with ‘put’Ī) Give opinion clearly, explain an idea well, describe articulately

List of phrasal verbs with up